TG PECET (Physical Education Common Entrance Test)



11 June 2025

 TG PECET 2025

Notification | Exam Dates | Application Form | Eligibility | Exam Pattern | Syllabus | Admit Cards | Results | Counselling Process

TG PECET 2025 Telangana State Physical Education Common Entrance Test (TG PECET) is a common entrance exam conducted by Osmania University for admission into two years B.P.Ed and D.P.Ed courses. For students who complete their BPEd/DPEd courses successfully, there are many opportunities in schools, colleges, and sports academies as Physical education Trainers (PETs), Physical Directors (PDs), and Coaches for any sports. The TG PECET test is held in two parts; the Physical Efficiency test and the Skill test in games.

TG PECET 2025 Exam Dates

Event Date
Application Process May  2025 
Admit Card release Date

June 2025

Last Date for Submitting the Application Form with late Fee May 2025
Physical Test Starts  11th June  2025

TG PECET 2025 Eligibility Criteria:

1) Candidates should be of Indian Nationality.

2) The candidate should satisfy the status of local and non-local as per the requirement laid down in AP Educational Institutions Order 1974 Regulation of Admission.

3) For B.P.Ed: passed a 3-year degree from any recognized university by the Telangana government. Should have completed 19 years.

4) For D.P.Ed: passed Intermediate or equivalent course recognized university by Telangana government. Should have completed 16 years.

Get complete TG PECET 2025 Eligibility Criteria


TG PECET 2025 Application Form:

Registration Fee: Rs 800 /- (Rs 400 /- for SC/ST candidates)

Registration fee can be paid through

i) TG Online/e-Seva/mee Seva centres

ii) Payment Gateways (Credit/Debit card/ Net Banking)


How to Apply Online:

1) TG PECET 2025 application forms must be submitted online only.

2) The application should be filled with authentic details only like personal and academic details, sports qualifications, address for communication, mobile number, valid email id etc.

3) Candidate should pay the registration fee through TG Online/e-Seva/mee Seva centers or pay directly through Payment Gateways (Credit/Debit card/ Net Banking)

4) The candidate should select the entrance exam to which course he/she intends to attend.

5) Upload the photograph and signature.

6) Click “Preview” to view the application.

7) Submit the application form.

Get detailed information about TG PECET 2025 Application Form


TG PECET 2025 Exam Pattern:

1) AP PECET entrance exam is conducted in two parts

i) Physical Efficiency Test

ii) Skill Test in Game.

2) The physical efficiency test is of a maximum of 400 marks.

3) There are four compulsory events in the physical efficiency test.

4) Each event is of 100 marks.

5) For each of the events, marks shall be awarded, by using the conversion tables approved by the TG PECET Committee.

6) Skill test in the game is of a maximum of 100 marks.

7) Candidate has to select only one game.

Click for complete TG PECET 2025 Exam Pattern


TG PECET 2025 Hall Tickets:

Candidates can download the hall tickets from the official website of TG PECET 2025. Hall tickets for the candidate who applied without a late fee will be issued from 20th April 2025 onwards. Hall tickets for the candidate who applied with a late fee will be issued from of 8th May 2025 onwards Hall tickets will contain information regarding the candidate and test date, and time. The test will be conducted at Hyderabad. The date venue and time of the Physical Efficiency Tests will also be furnished in the hall ticket. Hall Tickets will NOT be sent to candidates by post or email.


TG PECET 2025 Qualifying Marks:

The qualifying marks in the TG PECET shall be 30% of the aggregate marks obtained in the actual test items i.e. Physical Efficiency Test for 400 Marks and Skill Test in games for 100 Marks. There shall be no minimum qualifying marks for the candidates belonging to the category of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.


TG PECET 2025 Results, Merit List & Rank Card:

1) The candidates who have secured qualifying marks in TG PECET and for SC/ST category candidates, to whom qualifying marks have not been prescribed, will be assigned the ranking in the order of the merit on the basis of the aggregate marks obtained in all tests put together including incentive marks.

2) For the preparation of the merit list, in case of more than one student scoring the same aggregate marks, the tie will be resolved to decide the relative ranking as follows:

i) The marks scored in the Physical efficiency test will be taken into consideration.

ii) In case of a further tie, marks scored in Skill Test in games will be taken into consideration

iii) In case of a further tie, the Date of Birth of the candidate will be considered and the older candidates shall be given priority based on age.

iv) In case of a further tie, the common rank will be given. At the time of admission, it is resolved based on qualifying examination marks.

3) Rank Cards will be made available on the website after the announcement of TG PECET 2025 results. Candidates can download the rank cards.

4) Rank cards will NOT be sent to candidates by post or email.


TG PECET 2025 Counselling:

The date of the counselling procedure and list of helpline centers will be published in newspapers and websites. Counselling will be conducted through a Web-based counselling process. Individual call letters will not be sent to the candidates. A list of Institutions for allotment of candidates, intake in each course, and category in each institution would be announced at the time of counselling. The detailed instruction booklet for web counselling will be placed on the websites.


TG PECET 2025 General Instructions:

1) The eligible candidates have to attend the counselling in person at their own expense, if they fail to attend, they will forego the seat.

2) For Any litigation concerning TG PECET, contact the Secretary, Telangana State Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad, and Convener, TG PECET, and within the jurisdiction of Telangana/AP. High Court

3) Appearing for the test does not mean that the candidate is considered for admission in courses.

4) If any ambiguity or doubt arises in the interpretation or implementation of any of the rules, the decision of the chairperson shall be final.

5) No candidate will be allowed inside the exam hall without a Hall Ticket.
