
ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education (IFHE) Info

ICFAI was established in 1984 as a not-for-profit society with the broad objective of empowering citizens through world-class quality education. The Institute announced its arrival into the Indian education fora by launching a high-end, innovative professional program in financial analysis in 1985. The Program was first-of-its-kind in India, aimed at equipping students and working professionals with cutting-edge knowledge in contemporary areas of finance. Since its establishment, ICFAI Group has made a significant mark in the Indian educational field with a pan-Indian network and presence.

ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education - IFHE is located in Hyderabad. The educational institution was established in the year 1984. It is accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) & Recognised by University Grants Commission (UGC). The University is accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with an ‘A+’. It is approved by the Bar Council of India (BCI). IFHE offers courses B.Tech, M.Tech in Engineering, MBA, Ph.D. in Management and LLM, BA-LLB, BBA-LLB & Ph.D. in Law. The University has a well-developed infrastructure and facilities like a computer lab, Auditorium, Sports, and more. The University has well trained and experienced faculty members. IFHE address and contact number are provided in the contact details.

ICFAI, Deemed University,  Hyderabad -Major highlights

  • Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India, popularly known as ICFAI was initially registered as a non-profit Society with the objective of imparting world-class high-quality education. ICFAI has registered three decades of commendable track record in the field of higher education and is active in generating professionals in India by launching the certification program for Financial Analysts, the CFA Programme.
  • In the year 1995, ICFAI set up the ICFAI Business Schools (IBS) all over India at 8 (eight) different locations and offered high-quality employment-oriented 2 (two) years of Post-graduate Programmes in Management with different specializations.
  • Over the years, IBS Hyderabad had ranked in the top 10 Business schools in India in the various surveys conducted by popular magazines.
  • ICFAI has sponsored 11 Private Universities in different states in keeping with its vision of fostering the growth of high-quality higher education and improving access, promoting equity, and encouraging excellence, leading to the Pan-Indian presence of ICFAI Universities.
  • ICFAI group is one of the largest Private University groups in India.
  • The ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education (IFHE), Hyderabad is a private Deemed-to-be University established under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956, the campus of which is located at Donthanapally, Shankarapally Road, Hyderabad.
  • IGFAI (IFHE), Hyderabad is a deemed-to-be University that offers the best and updated curriculum and trains students for rewarding careers. IFHE Hyderabad endeavors to promote a culture of research that advances knowledge in the field of Management, Technology, and Law.

ICFAI Deemed University - Foundation for Higher Education (IFHE) – Hyderabad Campus – Departments

Following are the Departments in ICFAI Deemed University, Hyderabad.

  • Science & Technology
  • Law
  • Economics
  • Finance and Accounting
  • HR & Soft Skills
  • Marketing and Strategy
  • Operations and IT
  • Case Research Centre

ICFAI University, Hyderabad – Details of Schools

  • ICFAI Business School (Faculty of Management)
  • ICFAITech School (Faculty of Science and Technology)
  • ICFAI Law School (Faculty of Law)
  • ICFAI School of Architecture (ISARCH)
  • Centre for Distance and Online Education (CDOE)

ICFAI University - Hyderabad Campus – Eligibility Criteria for admission into UG/PG Programmes

The following Table provides the information with respect to eligibility criteria for the students who seek admission in ICFAI Deemed University, Hyderabad

ICFAI Hyderabad – Eligibility Criteria for admission into UG & PG Programmes



Academic Qualifications

Common Test

BBA/BA (Economics)

3-year Undergraduate

A pass in Class XII or equivalent with aggregate marks of 50% of any discipline in English Medium

ATIT score

B. Tech

4-year Undergraduate

A Pass with 60% marks or equivalent CGPA in Class XII or equivalent with Maths, Physics, Chemistry and English as subjects

ATIT (Admission test for ICFAI Tech/JEE scores

B. Sc (Maths)

B. Sc (Physics)

3-year Undergraduate

A Pass with 50% aggregate marks of equivalent CGPA I Class XII or equivalent with Mathematics as one of the subjects.


ATIT score

B. Sc (Data Analytics)

3-year Undergraduate

A pass with 50% aggregate marks or equivalent CGPA in Class XII or equivalent with Maths as one of the subjects.


ATIT score

B.A-LLB (Hons)

BBA-LLB (Hons)

5-year Undergraduate Integrated Law

Graduate of any discipline with 50% of marks, with English as one of the Subjects out of 5 subjects.

Score in CLAT/LSAT India preferred.


5-year Undergraduate

A pass in 10+2 or equivalent with 50% of marks in Maths, Physics and Chemistry

NATA/JEE (Mains) Paper II Score

B.Sc & B.Tech Dual Degree Programme

4 years

A pass with 50% aggregate marks or equivalent CGPA in Class XII or equivalent with Maths, Physics, Chemistry and English as subjects.

ATIT/JEE scores


2-year Postgraduate

Graduate of any discipline


M.A. (Economics)

2-year Postgraduate

Graduation with 50% of marks or equivalent CGPA



1 year/2-year Postgraduate

Graduation in Law (5 year/3 years) or equivalent recognized by the Bar Council of India with a minimum of 50% of marks or equivalent CGPA

LSAT (PG) Score

PhD in Management

Full Time/Part time for practising Corporate Executives

PG in Management (full-time specialization in Marketing/Finance/HRM/Operations from a UGC approved University) with 55% and above marks or a Professional Qualifications like CFA/CA/CWA/CS with 55% and above marks

Scores obtained in RAFT/UGC/CSIR-JRF-NET/GATE

PhD in Science & Technology

Full Time/Part-time

Minimum 60% marks in aggregate (overall percentage not only in majoring subject) or CGPA 6 on a 10-point scale in master’s degree from a recognized University


PhD in Law


Not less than 55% marks at the Postgraduate degree in Law in a regular study from a recognized University





Any graduate with at least 1 year of Work experience

Candidates need to appear for a formal interview

ICFAI Deemed University - Hyderabad Campus – Programmes/Courses Offered

Following are the details of Undergraduate, Postgraduate, and Research programs available to the students to pursue at ICFAI Deemed University, IFHE, Hyderabad.

ICFAI University – IFHE, Hyderabad – Undergraduate Programmes





3 years campus-based

Bachelor of Business Administration

BA (Economics)

3 years

Bachelor of Arts in Economics

B.Tech (Bachelor of Technology)

4 years

Civil Engineering

Computer Science & Engineering

Data Science & Artificial Intelligence

Electronics & Communication Engineering

Mechatronics Engineering

B.Sc – B.Tech (Integrated Dual Degree Programme)

4 years

BSc (Maths) & B.Tech (CSE)

B.Sc (Maths) & B.Tech (DS&AI)

B.Sc (Physics) & B.Tech (CSE)

B.Sc (Physics) & B.Tech (DS&AI)

B.Sc (Data Analytics)

3 years

Bachelor of Science (Data Analytics)

BA-LLB (Hons)

5 years

Integrated Programme BA-LLB (Hons) Law Programme

BBA-LLB (Hons)

5 years

Bachelor of Business Administration – Bachelor of Law


Minimum 10 Semesters.

6 months of Practical Training in the 9th Semester, with each semester of 90 working days or 15-18 working weeks.


ICFAI University – IFHE, Hyderabad – Postgraduate/Research Programmes





(Higher Degree programs offered by ICFAITech)

2 years

Data Analytics

Internet of Things (IoT)

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI & ML)

Production Design


M.B. A

2 years

Master of Business Administration

Executive M.B. A

2 years

Executive Master of Business Administration

M.A (Economics)

2 years

Master of Arts in Economics


1 year

Corporate and Commercial Law

Alternative Dispute Resolution


2 year

Insolvency & Bankruptcy Laws

Criminal Law

P.G. Certificate Courses

1 year

For working Executives

Ph.D (Full time)

4 years

Campus-based residential program with specializations in Marketing, Finance, Operations, and HR

Ph.D. (Short-time)

2 years

For Corporate Executives.  The rigorous and interdisciplinary program aimed to prepare thought leaders in the domain of Academic Research.

Ph.D (Economics)

4 years

Intended for students to pursue teaching Economics, Research and Professional career.

ICFAI  University - Hyderabad Campus – Poplar Programmes

The following are popular programs offered by the Hyderabad campus of ICFAI University:

  • Undergraduate/Postgraduate Management Courses viz., BBA/MBA/Executive MBA
  • Bachelor of Arts/Master of Arts in Economics.

ICFAI Deemed University - Hyderabad Campus – Fee structure

Details of the Programme

Fee structure

Full Course Fee (INR)

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Admission Fee (1st year)


Tuition Fee - 6 Semesters @ Rs.1,15,000 per semester


Caution Money Deposit (Refundable)


Bachelor of Arts (Economics)


B.A (Economics)

Admission fee (1st year)


Tuition Fee – 6 Semesters @ Rs.50,000/-


Caution Money Deposit (refundable)


Master of Arts (Economics)


M.A. (Economics)

Admission Fee (1st Year)


4 Semesters @ Rs.75,000/-


Caution Money Deposit (Refundable)


Master of Business Administration (MBA)

2 years Course – payable semester-wise

16.02 Lakhs

 Executive MBA

Payable in 7 equal instalments @ Rs.75,000/-

5.25 Lakhs

B.Tech (5 programmes)

Payable semester-wise

2,50,000/- per year

BBA+LLB (Hons) &

BA + LLB (Hons)

Admission Fee


Semester-wise fee for 10 Semesters @ Rs.1,20,000/-


B, Architecture

Payable semester-wise

2,50,000/- per year

Master of Laws (LLM)

Payable semester-wise – 1 year

Payable semester-wise – 2 years




Payable semester-wise

84,000/- to 1,26,000/- year

Full-time PhD (Management Programmes)


PhD (Economics)

Admission Fee


Tuition Fee

60,000/- per semester

Financial assistance is provided by IBS and waived off subject to meeting minimum academic requirements as specified by IBS


Part-time PhD

Admission Fee


Tuition Fee 8 semesters @ Rs.60,000/-


No stipend, No waiver of fee


Certificate Courses for Executives in


Data Science

General Management

Flexible and customized duration ranging from 10 hours to 240 hours

Course fees and content vary by the duration of the course to be chosen

ICFAI Deemed University - Hyderabad Campus – Distance and Online Education

The Centre for Distance Education and Online Education (CDOE) of ICFAI (IFHE), Hyderabad offers distance and online mode education to students who get enrolled in the programs.  Students enrolled under this scheme are trained for leadership roles in the Management profession through the support of vast resources and excellent faculty and pedagogy.

The following programs are offered under CDOE by ICFAI (IFHE), Hyderabad:

ICFAI (IFHE) Deemed University, Hyderabad – CDOE


Eligibility Criteria

Course Fee (INR)

3 Years Bachelor of Business Admin (BBA)

10+2 from a recognized Board in English Medium

Full fee if paid in Lumpsum = 55,000

If paid in 3 years @ 20,000 = 60,000

If paid in semester-wise (6)  

@ 10,500/- per semester      = 63,000

An amount of Rs.5,000/- towards the admission fee is payable which is non-refundable.

2 years Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Graduate of any discipline in English Medium from a recognized University

Full fee if paid in Lumpsum = 65,000

If paid in 2 years @ 35,000 = 70,000

If paid semester-wise      = 72,000

@ 18000/- per semester

An amount of Rs.10,000/- towards the admission fee is payable which is non-refundable.

Admission Process

Candidates need to fill out the application form enclosing copies of all relevant documents as required duly attested in blue ink (self-attestation).

A photograph is to be affixed at the space provided in the application and signed across.

Fill in the fee remittance form, based on the payment option, and attach supporting documents. Payment can be made online (Debit/Credit/Net Banking modes).

The filled-in application and pay remittance form are to be submitted to the Admission Office for completing the enrolment process.

The fee also can be paid through a demand draft in favor of “IFHE Fee Collection a/c” payable at Hyderabad.  Name, Mobile Number to be mentioned on the reverse of the DD.

Filled in application to be submitted to Admission Office, ICFAI (IFHE), Nagarjuna Hills, Panjagutta, Hyderabad.

ICFAI deemed University, Hyderabad – Infrastructure facilities

The eco-friendly campus of Hyderabad ICFAI Deemed University is spread over 90 acres in Hyderabad City.  This campus has all the infrastructure facilities to enhance the campus life of students.  Following are the major infrastructure facilities available in the Hyderabad campus of ICFAI (IFHE):

  • A central Library fully supported by IT Infrastructure with up-to-date software, with a collection of around 75000 books/magazines/National and International Journals/research Reports about Management, Law, Science and Technology, Literature and Economics, etc.
  • A fully equipped Computer Laboratory to cater to the needs of students of all related Branches.
  • Well equipped Air-conditioned Classrooms
  • Separate Hostel facilities for boys and girls
  • Sports facilities with a cricket ground/Basketball court/Foot ball court/swimming pool/Volleyball and tennis courts.
  • A Gym with adequate equipment
  • Hospital and medical facilities
  • Shuttle Service
  • Cafeteria
  • Wi-fi Campus
  • Auditorium
  • Amphitheatre
  • Seminar Halls
  • Book shops
  • Computer Centre
  • ATM

ICFAI deemed University, Hyderabad – Reviews

Based on the reviews of over 100, the overall rank of ICFAI Deemed University, Hyderabad is 4.0 out of 5.0, the distribution of which is furnished below:

Environment and Life at University 4.1
Infrastructure Facility 4.0
Faculty 4.0
Campus Placement 4.0
Hostel and Canteen Facility 3.9
International Exposure 3.9
Extra-curricular Activities 4.1
Fees and Scholarships 3.9

Vidyavision does not endorse the views/points of view of the students who participated in the above Reviews as they are their personal observations/opinions.

ICFAI Deemed University, Hyderabad – Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Which is the top Programme offered by ICFAI Deemed University, Hyderabad?

A. MBA Programmes offered by IBS, ICFAI, Hyderabad is the top amongst B Schools.

Q. Name the Sectors where students of IBS are placed through campus selections.

A. Banking, Financial Services, FMCG, Technology, Media, Research, Sales and Marketing, Legal Practicing Institutes, and Business Establishments.

Q. Is the MBA/BBA offered by the Centre for Distance and On-line Education (CDOE) of ICFAI, Hyderabad recognized?

A. Yes, Management programs offered by CDOE, ICFAI Hyderabad are recognized by DEC-UGC-AICTE.

  • Accredited By NAAC
  • Recognized By UGC
  • Approved By BCI

Law Ranking
YEAR - 2024
Management Ranking
YEAR - 2024

  • Computer Lab
  • Lab
  • Auditorium
  • Gym
  • Girls Hostel
  • Boys Hostel
  • Medical
  • Sports
  • Cafetaria
  • Library
  • Transport


Course Category Course Fee Eligibility Exams Accepted
B.E / B.Tech Engineering Rs. 10,00,000.00 Pass with 60% and above aggregate marks in Class XII (“or its equivalent”) with Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English as subjects (OR) Class XII (or icfaitech equivalent) students awaiting final examination results may also apply. Applicants should have completed 12 years of formal schooling in order to apply for the program. ATIT, JEE Advanced, JEE Main
Ph.D Engineering Rs. 2,70,000.00 The candidate should have bachelor's degree in Engineering and Technology from a recognized university. Also the masters in Biology/Pharmacy and Engineering and Technology or the relevant stream with an aggregate of 55% marks.
Ph.D Engineering Rs. 2,70,000.00 Admission into Ph.D. full time/ part time program in Law shall be through an entrance test (Ph.D Eligibility Test) and personal interview. All the candidates who satisfy the eligibility criteria shall appear for the Ph.D. eligibility test. The candidates who are qualified in UGC JRF examination/NET/SLET are exempted from appearing Ph.D. eligibility test.
Ph.D(Management) Management Rs. 4,80,000.00 Post Graduation in Management (full time with specialization in Marketing/ Finance/ Human Resource Management/ Operations from an UGC approved University) with 55% and above marks or a professional qualification like CFA/ CA/ CWA/ CS with 55% and above marks. AIPGMET
Ph.D(Management) Management Rs. 4,80,000.00 Post Graduation in Management (fulL time with specialization in Marketing/ Finance/ Human Resource Management/ Operations from an UGC approved University) with 55% and above marks or a professional qualification like CFA/ CA/ CWA/ CS with 55% and above marks.
BBA Management Rs. 7,10,000.00 Pass in 10+2 or equivalent examination with an aggregate of 50% and above (any discipline) in English medium.
MBA Management Rs. 14,04,000.00 The candidate must hold a Bachelor’s degree through (10+2+3) system or an equivalent qualification with at least 50% marks or equivalent. TG ICET
EMBA Management Rs. 5,25,000.00 Graduation from the recognized university.+ 3 year experience.
BA LLB (Hons.) Law Rs. 12,20,000.00 Eligibility Candidate required to pass 10+2 with 50%. ILSAT
BBA LLB (Hons.) Law Rs. 12,20,000.00 Candidate Should Pass in 10+2 or equivalent examination with an aggregate of 55% and above (any discipline) in English medium. ILSAT
L.L.M Law Rs. 2,00,000.00 The applicants desirous to join the LLM Programs should have obtained the Graduation in Five Year / Three Year Law (BA-LLB / BBA-LLB / LLB) or any equivalent degree in Law with a minimum 50% aggregate marks or equivalent CGPA.
Ph.D in Law Law Rs. 3,40,000.00 A candidate is eligible for admission into Ph.D. program, if he/she obtained aggregate of 55% marks and above at the Post Graduate Degree in Law in regular study mode from a recognized University and Ph.D Eligibility Test.
PG Diploma Law - Graduate in any discipline with 50% marks from a recognized university.Graduate in any discipline with 50% marks from a recognized university.
L.L.B Law - Candidates who are appearing in the qualifying examination (Class 12 or its equivalent in case of 5-year LLB, Final year/semester of graduation in case of TS LAWCET 3-year LLB) are also eligible to appear in the entrance examination.
Ph.D in Law Law Rs. 3,40,000.00 A candidate is eligible for admission into Ph.D. program part time, if he/she obtained aggregate of 55% marks and above at the Post Graduate Degree in Law in regular study mode from a recognized University and Ph.D Eligibility Test.
BCA Computers Rs. 2,40,000.00 Candidate must have passed 12th in any stream or equivalent from a recognized board. Candidate must have a minimum aggregate of 50% in Class 12th exam. Candidates who appearing for their final 12th board exam,s can also apply for admission.
Ph.D Science Rs. 2,70,000.00 The candidate should have bachelor's degree from a recognized university. Also the masters in Biology/Pharmacy and Engineering and Technology or the relevant stream with an aggregate of 55% marks.
B.Sc Science Rs. 3,00,000.00 Pass with 60% aggregate marks in Class XII with Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and English as subjects.
Ph.D Science Rs. 2,70,000.00 Admission into Ph.D. full time/ part time program in Law shall be through an entrance test (Ph.D Eligibility Test) and personal interview. All the candidates who satisfy the eligibility criteria shall appear for the Ph.D. eligibility test. The candidates who are qualified in UGC JRF examination/NET/SLET are exempted from appearing Ph.D. eligibility test.
B.Arch Architecture Rs. 12,70,000.00 Pass in 10+2 examination with minimum 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and also minimum 50% aggregate marks. OR Pass in 10+3 Diploma with Mathematics as compulsory subject, with minimum 50% aggregate marks. NATA
BA Arts Rs. 3,20,000.00 Pass in Class XII or equivalent examination with an aggregate of 50% and above marks (any discipline) with English as medium of instruction.
MA Arts Rs. 3,00,000.00 Admission into Ph.D. full time/ part time program in Law shall be through an entrance test (Ph.D Eligibility Test) and personal interview. All the candidates who satisfy the eligibility criteria shall appear for the Ph.D. eligibility test. The candidates who are qualified in UGC JRF examination/NET/SLET are exempted from appearing Ph.D. eligibility test.
Ph.D (Economics) Commerce Rs. 48,00,000.00 Candidates seeking admission for PhD possessing a post graduate degree in disciplines other than management (MBA) are required to attend the 16 courses of MBA program offered during Semester-1 and Semester-2 as well as the Business Strategy course as a pre-requisite to proceed to the course work phase of the PhD Program. The candidate is also required to secure a CGPA of 7.5/10 as well as a grade not less than 'D' iin all the courses at the end of Semester-2 of MBA.

College Gallery

College Rating
Overall Rating
Recommends: 100%
Not Recommends: 0%
Infrastructure 4
Campus 4.3
Faculty 4.4
Industry Exposure 4.5
Placements 4.3
Affordability 4.4
College Reviews
ICFAI university, the life in icfai
Name: Nathan swamy | Batch of 2026 | Rating 3.5
Course: B.Sc (Data Analytics)
Recommends this college
I study at the icfai university and I’m gonna tell everyone what it’s like to be a student of this university, firstly it’s a good university with its pros and cons. The pros would he the huge campus, the internship opportunities and placement cell with 75 percent of the students being placed, the cons would he the old facilities and minimal technology.
Infrastructure 2
Campus 3.3
Faculty 3.5
Industry Exposure 3.5
Placements 3.5
Affordability 3.5
Posted On: 16-Mar-2025
Best B.Tech college in Hyderabad
Name: surender | Batch of 2021 | Rating 4.5
Course: B.E / B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Recommends this college
IFHE is one of the best B.Tech college in Hyderabad , having great infrastructure and faculty. we are having a great library which is equipped with the latest material and high internet connection. every classroom is connected to projectors and the internet.
Infrastructure 5
Campus 5
Faculty 4.5
Industry Exposure 4.5
Placements 5
Affordability 5
Posted On: 20-May-2021
Admission Open
SRM University, Andhra Pradesh
Guntur, Andhra Pradesh
    MBA, B.Sc, BBA (Hons)
Admission Open
ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education (IFHE)
Hyderabad, Telangana
    BBA, BCA, L.L.B, L.L.M, B.Arch, B.Sc, BA, MA, Ph.D, EMBA, BA LLB (Hons.), BBA LLB (Hons.), Ph.D in Law, Ph.D, PG Diploma, Ph.D (Economics), B.E / B.Tech
Admission Open
Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE)
Hyderabad, Telangana
Admission Open
KL University
Guntur, Andhra Pradesh
    MBA, BBA, B.Sc, BA, MA, M.Sc., BBA LLB, B.Sc Hons, B.Tech (Lateral Entry), B.E / B.Tech, M.E / M.Tech
Admission Open
Vishwa Vishwani Institute of Systems & Management (VVISM)
Hyderabad, Telangana
    MBA, BBA, PGDM, MBA (Integrated), BBA (Hons), BS